The realm of inclusivity within employee benefits has grown in numerous positive ways in recent years and decades, and has allowed for much more inclusion and openness toward many marginalized groups. The LGBTQ+ community is no exception – by addressing challenges and needs that those in this community face through inclusive benefits offerings, employers are not only doing the right thing from a moral perspective, but are also raising their chances of attracting the best talent from the widest possible pool.
At Nielsen Benefits Group, we’re happy to help everyone from small businesses to large companies across Sandy and other parts of Utah with all their employee benefit needs, including for those looking to become more inclusive in their offerings. In this two-part blog series, we’ll look at some of the simple ways employers can support LGBTQ+ employees and applicants through quality benefits and related areas.
Addressing Health Disparities That Impact LGBTQ+ People
Sadly, the fact remains that many LGBTQ+ individuals face a range of health disparities that impact their physical and mental well-being, including higher rates of HIV/AIDS and other STIs, depression, substance abuse, and more. Thankfully, there are ways employers can help address these issues through comprehensive health plans and offerings.
Not only should healthcare benefits extend to same-sex partners or spouses equally as they would for a heterosexual couple, but employers should also consider offering additional benefits such as coverage for gender-affirming surgery or hormone replacement therapy. Offering these items can go a long way in not only helping ensure employees have access to the care they need to feel their best, but it also sends the signal that your organization is LGBTQ+ friendly and welcoming.
Inclusive, Easy-to-Understand Policies
Many within the LGBTQ+ community also face challenges in terms of discrimination, both within and outside the workplace. That’s why it’s important for employers to have clear policies in place that clearly state their stance against any form of discrimination, including based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Additionally, these policies should be easily accessible and understandable – if an employee needs to reference them quickly, they should be able to do so with minimal effort.
For instance, many people in this community struggle with finding affirming healthcare providers, so employers can make it easier for them by creating a list of LGBTQ+ friendly healthcare providers that employees can access easily. Similarly, it’s important to include anti-discrimination policies within job postings and other related materials; doing so will help ensure those who are marginalized feel welcome when applying or working at your organization.
These are just a few of the ways employers can create an inclusive, supportive workplace environment for their LGBTQ+ employees. In our next post, we’ll look at other aspects of benefits and beyond that employers can consider in order to ensure they remain ahead of the curve when it comes to employee inclusion.
Looking for help with your employee benefit needs? Look no further than Nielsen Benefits Group. We’re here to help you ensure your benefits packages are inclusive and support the diverse needs of all your employees, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Contact us today for more information.